5 Reasons Why Buying Businesses Is Smarter Than Buying Real Estate

By Sebastian Amieva

1.    Very little competition: You are not competing with every Tom, Dick and Harry who watches a late night TV Infomercial guaranteeing instant overnight success in real estate. 

2.    Seller Financing: Statistically, 84% of owners will carry back some or all of the financing, so locating money for the deal is right there at your fingertips. 

3.    Immediate Cash Flow: If you pick the right deal you get cash flow the very next day. 

4.    Fast Turn Around: Most businesses that are currently operating at a loss can be made profitable within in 60 to 90 days 

5.    You Control The Outcome: In a business, you control about 85% of what happens. Your results are not dictated by government housing regulations or bank loan rates. 

Hope this helps!

Sebastian Amieva

mergers and acquisitions consultant